I‘m an award-winning book critic. Look, I’ve got a picture to prove it. I won this award back in 1991 from the North Jersey Press Association for my reviews of Harlan Ellison’s Angry Candy, and Clive Barker’s Imajica. Whoop-Dee-Doo! Go ahead, take a full tour of my writing awards! Bask in my greatness! Click here! I’ll wait.
Why haven’t I won any writing awards in the last twenty years? Because I haven’t entered any writing contests! I’ve been focused on my own fiction and other creative endevours. But I still keep a log of almost everything I read with a few notes about each book. Might as well turn my “log” in a “blog” right?
I read a lot of horror, fantasy, SF, etc. Here’s my “official bio” :
Rob Errera has worked as a writer, editor, musician, and literary critic. His fiction, non-fiction, and essays have earned numerous awards, including the First Annual Bloodcurdling Tales of Terror Contest. His work has appeared in Starlog, New York Review of Science Fiction, Cinefantastique, Agony In Black, Wetbones, 2 A.M. Magazine, and Dark Recesses among others. He lives in New Jersey with his wife, two kids, and a bunch of rescued dogs and cats. His book, Autism Dad: Adventures In Raising An Autistic Son, is available in print and digital format at all major online booksellers. He blogs at roberrera.com, and Tweets at @haikubob.